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 摘 要:追溯了“脉”与“经络”概念的源流,基于“中医典籍汉英双语语料库”分析了“脉”与“经络”现有的翻译,认为meridian、channel和vessel均可用于表达“经脉”——meridian是世界卫生组织推荐的标准化译语,channel是目前西方流行较广的译语,但二者又均有不足之处:前者是二维的线,与经脉运行气血的功能相矛盾,后者一词多义,具有词义不明确性;vessel,指人体内三维的管道,是很严谨、恰当的“经脉”的对应译语,值得进一步推广应用。
  中图分类号:H059;R229;N04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8578(2011)01-0054-05
  The Origin and Translation of “Mai” and “Jing Luo”
  in Chinese Medical Concepts
  LAN Fengli LIANG Guoqing ZHANG WEihang
  Abstract: This paper traces back to the origin of “mai” and “jing luo”, discusses thEIr available translations on the basis of the data from “ChineseEnglish Bilingual Corpus of Chinese Medical Classics”, comments on different English translations of “jing mai”. Meridian, the standardized translation of “jing mai”, approved by WHO, indicates a twodimensional grid and therefore is contradictory to jingmais function of moving qi and blood; channel, a popular translation of “jing mai” in the West, is a polysemy word and is not clear and definite. The authors think that “vessel” can refer to a threedimensional tube of the human being and therefore is a strict and proper translation for “jing mai”, and is worthy to be popularized in the future.
  Keywords: Chinese medicine, mai, jingluo, origin, ChineseEnglish Bilingual Corpus
  经络学说主要来源于医疗实践,其形成和发展,与 http://
